What is the Full Form of DNS in Computer?

What is the Full Form of DNS in Computer? The full form of DNS in Computer is Domain Name System.


What is the full meaning of DNS in computer - Fullformatoz.com

Full Form of DNS in Computer - Full Form, Meaning, and Definition

The full form of DNS in Computer is Domain Name System

It’s like a directory which provides a way to connect human understandable website names to numbers, and IP (internet protocol) addresses.

How does DNS work?

A single DNS server is not enough for more than 322 million domain names, so the directory is distributed around the world and stored on servers that communicate with each other. 

When the user types a human-readable address into the browser, the operating system’s DNS will search for it in the local cache first. 

If it didn’t find the result then it will opt for a domain name system in a LAN, receiving the query LAN will provide the results if it finds the requested domain.

Also Read: What is the full form of API in Computer?

What are the functions of DNS?

  • To answer queries and return result codes.
  • To forward and receive queries from other DNS servers.
  • To store domain information in a file system and regularly back up those information.
  • To refuse unauthenticated, unauthorized queries.
  • To share recent zone information with other DNS servers only if authorized. 
  • To log successes, failures, and errors in domain transactions.
  • To provide domain contact information.

What is the purpose of DNS in Computer?

A Computer only understands binary language and on the other hand, we use names instead of numbers, what DNS does is simply convert the name of the website to an IP address and vice versa. 

Devices connected to the internet have a unique IP address each, for instance, www.google.com has an IP address of 

They both take you to the same page but it’s more helpful to remember the name instead of the numbers.